Get a head start on Halloween with Playful Ghosts

Someone told me that there are Halloween products in the stores! I haven’t seen it for myself yet but I’m sure I will the next time I go shopping. While it seems like Halloween is far away, it’s never too early to create a few Halloween cards.  I want to be ready to send them out and the holiday always seems to sneak up on me. Here’s one of my first designs; it’s a “missing…

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Bonus Days & New Online Exclusives

Stampin’ Up! is keeping things fresh by offering a new round of products not available in a catalog. Get a headstart on Halloween & Christmas with some new products.  Check out the newly released Online Exclusives.  I have added some images below but don’t overlook the new embellishments & Frosted Forest Masks. First up is the Glass Mat Studio! DID YOU KNOW?  If you were a past Close to My Heart Customer, you have access…

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Easter Boxes

Do these Easter boxes bring a smile to your face?  Can you imagine what you would put in each box?  Do you like to receive treat boxes? I created these boxes from a Paper Pumpkin Kit.  For those of you who say you don’t like kits with 3D items, you should have seen the faces light up when I handed out the treat boxes.  I think you would change your mind. It made me happy…

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